Newfoundland and Labrador form the most easterly province of Canada. Situated on the Atlantic coast, the province has a diverse geography, with rugged landscapes that include rocky coastlines, sandy beaches, forests, and grassy plains.

Newfoundland Film, Television & Digital Media Incentives and Funding
Newfoundland & Labrador Film Development Corporation

The NLFDC Development Program is available for eligible screen industry companies which are majority owned by a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador. The NLFDC’s program can invest up to 33% towards an eligible project’s development financing. Eligible development projects may include script writing/treatments and associated costs, as well as production costs for smaller budget productions. Development projects cannot apply for a tax credit.

Development projects require a third party investment commitment, in addition to the producer and the NLFDC.  Support for the development of a project does not, in any way, guarantee funding by the Corporation in later stages of the project.

The Corporation may provide a loan to qualified applicants to support the essential process of development that takes an
idea through the stages of research, writing, market analysis, and costing. Support for the development of a project does
not, in any way, guarantee funding by the Corporation in later stages of the project.


Only incorporated Newfoundland and Labrador film and video production companies may apply. Individuals, nonincorporated groups, or licensed broadcasters are not eligible. Corporations must demonstrate that their primary focus is
on the development, production, and distribution of film and video products, and must be at least 51% owned by a
resident of Newfoundland and Labrador as described for individuals. For the purposes of these guidelines, a
Newfoundland and Labrador Resident is a person who has maintained a principle residence in Newfoundland and
Labrador for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the date of application.


The NLFDC has three annual funding application rounds for its Development Program. The upcoming deadlines for applications are:

  • January 9, 2023
  • April 17, 2023
  • October 10, 2023

Find out more: Newfoundland & Labrador Film Development Corporation

Newfoundland Film and Video Tax Credit

This refundable provincial Corporate Income Tax credit is provided for eligible local film projects at a rate of 40% of eligible local labour costs, but may not exceed 25% of production costs. The 2005 provincial budget announced the replacement of two credit caps ($1 million per eligible project or $2 million per corporation) with a single corporation credit limit of $3 million. The credit limit was increased to $4 million in the 2013 provincial budget. Budget 2021 further increased this limit to $5 million for productions beginning on or after July 1, 2021. The corporation must also pay at least 25% of its salaries and wages to residents of the province. The 2005 provincial budget also announced the removal of the restriction that the production corporation, together with any associated corporations, must have less than $25 million in assets.

The corporation must first apply for eligibility to the Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development Corporation prior to the commencement of production. Once the project is completed, and financial statements and cost reports finalized, the eligible corporation may then apply for the tax credit. Upon approval from the Department of Finance, the eligible corporation is issued a tax credit certificate which must be attached to the T2 return.

Find out more: Newfoundland & Labrador

NLFDC/CBC Production Fund

As of August 23, 2019, CBC and NLFDC, an institution dedicated to the promotion of the development of the film and video industry in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, are piloting a micro-budget production fund to support the creation of video content from Newfoundland and Labrador producers and creators to be showcased in connection with CBC’s digital platforms.

Our commitment is to fund new productions that reflect, represent and reframe diverse perspectives from Newfoundland and Labrador creative teams, showcasing new creative visions and furthering the careers of emerging writers, producers, and directors as they move towards the production of longer form content.


On a per project basis, CBC and NLFDC will cover the production costs (net of any other financing that may be available such as federal tax credits or other third party funding). There is a per project minimum budget of $15,000 and a maximum contribution of $50,000, combined, from NLFDC and CBC. Each of CBC and NLFDC will pay out their amounts to the selected projects directly in accordance with their own contractual terms.

  • Only incorporated Newfoundland and Labrador film and video production companies may apply. Individual, non-incorporated groups, or licensed broadcasters are not eligible.
  • Corporations must demonstrate that their primary focus is on the development, production, and distribution of film and video products, and must be at least 51% owned by a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador as described for individuals.
  • For the purpose of these guidelines, a Newfoundland and Labrador Resident is a person who has maintained a principal residence in Newfoundland and Labrador for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the date of application.

Exceptions may be granted for inter-provincial or international treaty co-productions. In these cases, the Newfoundland and Labrador applicant must retain at least 50% of the copyright interest and demonstrate that the copyright ownership is equal to the Newfoundland and Labrador applicant’s financial, technical and creative contribution and control as specified in the co-production agreement entered into between the parties.

Find out more by visiting the Creative BC website.

Canada also offers numerous funding options and incentives at a national level. Click here to see what's available.